Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Linguistic Ethnic Cleansing

Linguistic Ethnic Cleansing

מתוך הבלוג "From the Hills of Efraim" - Yisrael Medad
Arabs admit to having been engaged in altering a name of a Jewish site in the Land of Israel.

In my estimation, not only is that a form of identity theft but it is actually ethnic cleansing by linguistic action, a form of colonialism.

I found this in a story here.    It was reviewing the infamous Bob Simon "60 Minutes" hatchet job on Israel.  When he threw the Jews to the lions. 

But let's return to the case of identity theft.  This is what I found at that review:

Taybeh's roots are deep, and for Christians, important: the biblical name of the village is Ephraim. According to the Bible, Jesus Christ came to Taybeh from Jerusalem before his crucifixion. John 11:54 states: "Jesus therefore walked no more openly among the Jews; but went thence unto a country near to the wilderness, into a city called Ephraim *, and there continued with his disciples."

The name of the village was changed from Ephraim to Taybeh around 1187, by the Islamic leader Saladin.

Name alteration, is it not a form of colonial ethnic-cleansing?

Let's get this clear: Arabs were not an indigenous people in the Land of Israel.  And Arabs who lived in this area of the Middle East are not direct descendents of Jebusites and Canannites.  In 638 CE, Arabs conquered the Land of Israel, put an end to Jewish economic independence and subsequently occupied the country.  Then came the Crusaders, Saladin (see above), Mamelukes, Ottomans, British, etc.

As for the Biblical site named there, it is probably what appears as the:

hill-country of Ephraim

which is mentioned in Judges 19 and also in I Samuel 1 but most scholars think that Taybeh is Ofra, the home village of Gideon, Judges 6, and, too, the home village of Avimelech in Judges 9, a border delineation location, mentioned also in I Samuel 13.

And as we know, Ofra has been renewed.

But to return to the beginning: this country is the Land of Israel.  The Jews, by international law, were charged with reconstituting their national home and to facilitate that, the nations of the world guaranteed us the right of "close settlement" (Article 6 of the League of Nations Mandate).

The Arabs are seeking to steal this land from us, alter its identity.

We will not allow that.


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