Thursday, May 3, 2012

Don’t Forget Obama’s Open Association with Racist and Anti-Semitic Hate Groups

Don’t Forget Obama’s Open Association with Racist and Anti-Semitic Hate Groups

by Bill Levinson

We encouraged Republicans to reject the Presidential bid of Ron Paul, aka Ron Paul 1488, because of his acceptance of money and an endorsement from the Stormfront White Nationalist Community. Voters must also remember that Barack Obama has consorted openly with some of the country’s most prominent anti-Semites and racists as shown here.
Obama and Jeremiah Wright
Obama and Michael Pfleger
The following was approved for posting to by the moderators responsible for the operation of the Web site. This is far from the only example.
Obama Web site and "Kike filth"
Anti-Semitic Treif Alert
Anti-Semitic Hate Approved for Posting to Obama's Web Site

1 comment:

  1. I would not characterize Ron Paul's refusal to return the money as open consortment. By not returning the money, the money will be used to promote freedom, not National Socialism.
