Wednesday, June 6, 2012

PA honors suicide bombers who murdered civilians PA: Terrorist Martyrs call to Palestinians: "Follow in our path"

PA honors suicide bombers
who murdered civilians

PA: Terrorist Martyrs call to Palestinians:
"Follow in our path"

by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

As a gesture of goodwill to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, Israel transferred to the Palestinian Authority 91 bodies of terrorists who were killed during their terror attacks, and had been buried in Israel in a cemetery for terrorists. The PA gave the terrorists a military funeral for heroes, with the participation of Mahmoud Abbas, Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and other PA dignitaries.

All the returned terrorists, including many suicide bombers who murdered civilians, were presented as heroic and categorized as Shahids (Martyrs). (See names of suicide terrorists and their attacks below).

The term Shahid is used for anyone who dies for Allah and is the highest status that can be achieved in Islam. The act of seeking and/or achieving death as a Shahid is considered so praiseworthy that the Shahid is rewarded with a place in Paradise beside the prophets of Islam.

At the recent funeral ceremony, PA leaders referred to the dead terrorists, including suicide bombers, as Shahids, as is PA routine when referring to terrorists who have died during their terror attacks against Israel.
Categorizing suicide bombers and other terrorists who have murdered Israeli civilians as Shahids indicates that the PA views the killing of Israeli civilians as a positive Islamic act.

A recurring theme at the official PA ceremony was that these terrorists -Shahids - are calling on other Palestinians to follow in their path:

Secretary General of Mahmoud Abbas' office, Tayeb Abd Al-Rahim:
"Oh brothers [Martyrs], your souls now hover above us and say to us:'Follow in our path.'"
Mufti of the PA, Muhammad Hussein:
"The souls of the noble Martyrs envelop us, and their souls tell us to follow in their path."
Click to view

The following are names of some of the suicide bombers from among the 91 terrorists. Their killing of Israelis while killing themselves is seen by the PA as admirable Islamic behavior, and Palestinians are being called to follow in their path:
Raed Misk - Suicide bomber in Jerusalem (23 killed, Aug. 19, 2003)
Muawiyah Jarar'eh - Suicide bomber in double suicide bombing in Jerusalem (16 killed, July 30, 1997)
Tawfiq Yassin - Suicide bomber in double suicide bombing in Jerusalem (16 killed, July 30, 1997)
Nasim Jaabari- Suicide bomber in double suicide bombing on two buses in Beersheba (16 killed, Aug. 31, 2004)
Ahmad Al-Qawasmi - Suicide bomber in double suicide bombing on two buses in Be'er Sheva (16 killed, Aug. 31, 2004)
Ali Jaareh - Suicide bomber on a bus in Jerusalem (11 killed, Jan. 29, 2004)
Samer Hammad - Suicide bomber in Tel Aviv (11 killed, April 17, 2006)
Muhammad Za'ul - Suicide bomber on a bus in Jerusalem (8 killed, Feb. 22, 2004)
Ramez Abu Salim - Suicide bomber in a coffee shop in Jerusalem (7 killed, Sept. 9, 2003)
Abdallah Badran - Suicide bomber in a night club in Tel Aviv (5 killed, Feb. 25, 2005)
Hiba Daraghmeh - Suicide bomber in a shopping mall in Afula (3 killed, May 19, 2003)
Moussa Ghneimat - Suicide bomber in a coffee shop in Tel Aviv (3 killed, March 21, 1997)

All the 91 bodies that were given over and honored by the PA were of terrorists who were killed carrying out attacks. PMW has not finished reviewing how many of the returned bodies were suicide bombers, in addition to these cited above.

The following are excerpts from the speeches delivered by the Secretary General of Mahmoud Abbas' office, Tayeb Abd Al-Rahim, and the Mufti of the PA, Muhammad Hussein:

The Secretary General of Mahmoud Abbas' office, Tayeb Abd Al-Rahim:
"Our Martyrs are now among us after being in our hearts, in our minds, and in our veins. We did not forget them for a moment, we will never forget them, and we will always remain faithful to their vow... Oh brothers [Martyrs], your souls now hover above us and say to us: 'Follow in our path, stick to the obligation that is incumbent upon us and we are sure that you will be fulfilling this obligation and following this path.' May Allah have mercy on you. We ask Allah to gather you in the uppermost heaven, along with the prophets, the righteous, and the Martyrs."
[PA TV (Fatah), May 31, 2012]
PA Mufti Muhammad Hussein:
"Today we receive this elite group of Martyrs. Our people, headed by the Palestinian leadership, welcome these Martyrs with great honor... As we accompany these Martyrs to Heaven, we should be happy: By Allah's will, we still have elite groups of Martyrs like these among us. We still have a generous leadership, and we still have a people that has never been sparing and will spare no sacrifice for this blessed land, for this homeland, for Jerusalem and the holy places, and for every inch of the pure land of beloved Palestine. Honored brothers, this is a great event: The souls of the noble Martyrs envelop us, and their souls tell us to follow in their path."
[PA TV (Fatah), May 31, 2012]

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