Tuesday, June 5, 2012



Peace to Palestine: A Personal Account from Yehuda Berg

ALSO READ MORE THINGS ABOUT THE KABBALAH CENTER CULT HERE...  http://israeljewsjudaism.blogspot.com/2012/04/celebrities-gave-kabbalah-centre-cachet.html#.T81Tqz5SQcg

On May 8th Spiritual Director Karen Berg, and Co-Director Yehuda Berg of The Kabbalah Centre met with Palestinian President Abu Mazen in Ramallah, Israel, the administrative capital of the Palestinian National Authority.  A handful of teachers and students of The Kabbalah Centre accompanied Karen and Yehuda for this unprecedented peace-talk.  Here is Yehuda’s personal account of that meeting:
At first, I was surprised when I got the call from the office of the Palestinian Authority. I was scheduled to meet with President Abu Mazen much earlier and now they wanted us to move everything around and meet two weeks later. But when I went to my calendar, I saw that the meeting would now be coinciding with Lag B’Omer – and I knew it was meant to be.
The main text I study as a teacher and student of Kabbalah is the Zohar, authored by Rav Shimon Bar Yochai, whose death anniversary is on Lag B’Omer. I knew if I went to meet with President Mazen that week, I would be supported by the energy of the great Rav Shimon.
Still, while it looked good on a calendar, I wasn’t sure what I would do or say when I came face-to-face with the President. I figured I would know better closer to the day of the meeting, but as it grew near, I asked for help. I sent out tweets asking people to pray for me to be a messenger of peace.
On the eve of our meeting, I prayed at the burial site of the great prophet Achiya HaShiloni. I thought about going to some of the more popular sites of the kabbalists like Rav Ashlag or Rav Isaac Luria (the Ari), but I went to Achiya HaShiloni because his grave is located in the Palestinian territory. In fact, his is the closest gravesite to Ramallah, where my meeting was to be held the next day. It is also believed that Rav Shimon has his place in the Garden of Eden right next to Achiya HaShiloni. So I went and asked Achiya and Rav Shimon the same thing I asked my friends and complete strangers all week: “Please, please just make me a messenger of peace. That’s all.”
The next morning, my mother Karen Berg and I, along with a small handful of teachers and students from The Kabbalah Centre, made our way to Ramallah to meet with President Abu Mazen. From the moment we entered the room, we all felt an incredible warmth and openness from the President and his men. The energy was unbelievable. Indescribable, really.
I have met with many political leaders over the past few years. Usually the meetings last about 15 minutes. We say what needs to be said, do a photo op and say our goodbyes.
We spent over an hour with President Mazen, just in the meeting alone.
“Mr. President, most people sit in these chairs and ask you for things. Give me this, give me that, can you help me with this…,” I told him. “I would like to say I’m not coming here to take anything from you. I’m here to offer whatever I can spiritually.”
We told him how we and all the students of The Kabbalah Centre believe in peace. We believe not only that peace on Earth is possible, but that it is inevitable—and it’s up to us individually to make it happen.
I explained to President Mazen that the millions of students of The Kabbalah Centre are ambassadors for peace. I assured him. “All of our students, our teachers and our great masters are soldiers of peace and we are committed to doing whatever we can to bring peace to the world.”
There were so many great moments in that meeting I’ll never forget. I told him one of my favorite quotes from Edmund Burke, political thinker and philosopher of eighteenth century England: “The difference between politicians and leaders is that true leaders are always thinking about the next generation whereas politicians are always thinking about the next election.” He smiled so big, I felt like he understood completely.
At another point in our conversation, I said something that made the entire room fall silent. “We can all talk about how much we want peace between each other Mr. President, but if you don’t first have unity between your own people, there will never be peace.”
You could hear a pin drop and after a while he quietly nodded.
We handed him a set of the Zohar, a special Palestinian edition, and I reminded him, “You come from a very special city. Safed is a city of kabbalists. It is a city that gives birth to many whose purpose on this Earth is to bring harmony.”
With that, he hugged me the biggest bear hug ever.
I wish I could take credit for what I said in my meeting with President Mazen, but they weren’t my words. They were the words of my father, Rav Berg. They were the words of Achiya HaShiloni, of Rav Shimon Bar Yochai, of my mother Karen Berg, my brother Michael Berg, of the many teachers and students of The Kabbalah Centre across the globe and throughout the ages.
The next day, The Jerusalem Post covered our meeting with President Mazen and wrote, “Who knows? Maybe the Kabbalah will pave the path to peace.”
Maybe we’re much closer than we think.

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