Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Abbas and Palestinian Authority leaders attend Fatah performance presenting Israel as Palestine

Abbas and Palestinian Authority leaders attend 

Fatah performance presenting Israel as Palestine

PA leaders attend Fatah performance that presents Israel as "Palestine"

"We commit and promise to stand behind you, oh Mahmoud Abbas, until Judgment Day. I am returning to you, the purest land, oh land of the free. No matter how long the nights of exile, I am returning to you, oh land. From Rafah to Rosh Hanikra (northern Israel) our coast, and Beit Shean (Israeli city). Above your soil, oh my land, is a picture of Garden of Eden. From Rafah to Rosh Hanikra our coast, and Beit Shean. Above your soil, oh my land, is a picture of Garden of Eden. From Rafah to Rosh Hanikra, north and south, are the picture's borders. From Haifa (Israeli city) and Tantura to the [Jordan] valley (i.e., all of Israel). I am returning to you, the purest land, oh land of the free."

Note: The following PA officials are shown sitting in the audience: Mahmoud Abbas, PA Chairman, Sultan Abu Al-Einein, Fatah Central Committee, Hanan Ashrawi, PLO Executive Committee, Abbas Zaki, Fatah Central Committee, Al-Tayeb Abd Al-Rahim, President's office Sec. Gen., Yasser Abd Rabbo, PLO Sec. Gen., Ahmad Tibi, Israeli Arab Member of Israeli Parliament.
This video orginally aired on Feb. 27, 2011 and was rebroadcast twice in May, once in July, 12 times in September, four times in October, once in December, once in January 2012, twice in February, once in April, and on May 12, 2012.


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