Shame on Any Jewish Organization that Invites Beinart
He must be ignored and sink into oblivion. That's the only way.
Ronn Torossian
In mid-March, I wrote an article entitled “Peter Beinart Represents Zionism Like a Black KKK Member Represents African-Americans” – and sure enough today it’s widely accepted that Peter Beinart is well outside the consensus of the Jewish community.
So why does any synagogue or Jewish organization allow this dangerous man to speak ? This shameful man shouldn’t be given a forum in any Jewish audience and is outside the consensus. Why host someone universally reviled? Why offer such a man a forum?
In a clear case of the chickens coming home to roost, Beinart - after being panned in New York Magazine recently, also saw recent headlines like (Politico): “The Peter Beinart conversation is over”, and in Tablet“ "The Peter Beinart Article to End Them All (literally)."
Obama is telling Beinart to hang in there – and Beinart is good for the Jews?
Despite all the media attention he has received, the book hasn’t sold well, and Beinart outside of the liberal elite media world of New York is a non-entity.
Want to know how outside the consensus this man is? The worst President in recent years for Israel – Obama – is strengthening Beinart. From The New Yorker Profile on Beinart: "As [Obama] talked to Beinart, according to those who were within earshot, the president had a message for the embattled author - “Hang in there.”
Obama is telling Beinart to hang in there – and Beinart is good for the Jews ?
The great Zionist leader Ze’ev Jabotinsky said it all so very clearly and succinctly many years ago, when talking about people like Beinart, and it rings true today: “What interest can the Jewish nation have in individuals whose supreme pride consists in the fact that they have renounced their own people?”
The Jewish community in the United States should heed the words of Jabotinsky and evince no interest in Beinart.
Beinart doesn’t represent the Jewish community any more than a black member of the KKK would represent African-Americans. Beinart does so much damage - no one needs to help him do more by allowing him the honor of an audience.
Oh, and P.S. - My offer to Beinart still stands that is, I will make a 6 figure payment to you, Mr. Beinart, if you speak in three Middle Eastern Arab countries as well as Gaza, and speak in open advertised forums including Mosques and Universities. Not surprisingly, you haven’t responded.
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