Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Call for Courage and Wisdom

A Call for Courage and Wisdom

Can the Prime Minister do anything significant?

 Prof. Paul Eidelberg

Einstein famously said that to pursue the same failed policy repeatedly is indicative of insanity.

Agreed; but then it logically follows that with each passing year Israeli Prime Ministers exhibit increasing degrees of insanity, and the latest must necessarily be Benjamin Netanyahu.

This is very strange, if only because Mr. Netanyahu is one of Israel’s most intelligent prime ministers. It is well known, however, that geniuses are often unbalanced.

But to be perfectly frank, I - and everyone else - don’t think Mr. Netanyahu is insane.

I think he has simply been ensnared by Oslo; and that as a decent human being—or perhaps as a pragmatic politician, aware of the “boomerang effect”—he does not want to expose the folly of his Oslovian predecessors, for their agreements with the Palestinians, having truncated Eretz Yisrael, may be construed as treasonous, as it was in a learned and lengthy petition to the Supreme Court (HC 3414/96) citing Sections 97, 98, 99, and 100 of Israel's Penal Law.

They were also foolhardy.

Degrading Israeli prime ministers would cause him to undermine himself and cast a shadow on Israel's government.
Netanyahu himself is far from a fool. Degrading Israeli prime ministers would cause him to undermine himself and cast a shadow on Israel's government.

Still, how can he or some future PM get out of this self-made trap without sullying the reputations of the politicians responsible for the Oslo disaster, which has thus far claimed thousands of Jewish casualties? This will require wise and courageous leadership.

I see no alternative but to seize the first propitious opportunity—and it will come—to destroy the entire networkof Arab terrorists between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, and also proclaim Jewish sovereignty over this land.

It would then remain to implement an energetic but humane—say seven-year—political program with economic incentives to encourage most of the Arab  residents therein to emigrate.

I know it’s easy to pen these thoughts, and that their implementation would require wise and courageous leadership. Such leadership can hardly be obtained and sustained under Israel’s fragmented and transient system of government, whose institutions lack the coherent national purpose needed to inspire young and old alike.

Ponder, therefore, the words of two wise men:

“A people may be unprepared for good institutions, but to kindle a desire for them is a necessary part of the preparation.”—John Stuart Mill.

“Ask not if a thing is possible; ask only if it is necessary.”—The Alter of Kelm (Head of a famous pre-WWII Mussar [Stringent ethics-stressing, ed.] Yeshiva in Europe}


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