We must never lose hope
Dan Margalit
Is there anything more Israeli than five fresh graves containing young people who didn't know each other but were jointly robbed of the one thing they had in common — a future, hope, optimism — in a terrible terror attack? Is there anything more Israeli than the dozens of tourists who decide to stay in Bulgaria and continue their vacation? There is a touch of selfishness in such a decision, but it also reflects a coming to terms with reality. Terror exists, and we have to live with it and move on. We have to avoid slipping into depression, which is what the enemy wants.
Is there anything more European than a person born in Sweden to an Algerian immigrant who, despite all the values of the Scandinavian welfare state, refuses to enjoy any of Sweden's many advantages and chooses to return to a dark, old, cruel and murderous place? Mehdi Mohammad Ghezali had no reason to murder Jews in distant Bulgaria, other than an unexplainable religious fanaticism that led him to Pakistan and later to Guantanamo.
Is there anything more anti-Semitic than that? He didn't choose his faith. He didn't choose moderate Islam, he went for jihad. Sooner or later it will become clear what happened to Ghezali at Guantanamo. It is particularly interesting that he didn't blow himself up in front of an American institution, like the CIA building.
He traveled all the way to Bulgaria to murder Israelis. Why? What did the Jews ever do to him? What is it about his particular version of Islam and the general atmosphere in Sweden in recent decades that makes Israel an enemy in a place where it virtually plays no role? All there is in Sweden is a confused mix of photos and images, all somehow connected to the Jewish state.
Even if it was Ghezali who actually carried out the attack, there is evidence of broader guidance at work. In the case of the current generation, the guiding force is the Arab-Islamist rhetoric spouted mainly by Shiite Iran, but also by others. In this respect, it doesn't matter what the intelligence investigation of the Burgas terror attack will yield regarding the culpability of Hezbollah or Iran in the attack. Iran is the ultimate perpetrator of the attack because it actively promotes the killing of another people and the destruction of a sovereign state, a fellow recognized member of the U.N. It is no coincidence that the people Iran chose to target are the Jews.
This reality does not have a foreseeable remedy. The enlightened world, and the Jews in the crosshairs, have to work hard to topple the ayatollah regime in Iran. It is dangerous to humanity as a whole, but first and foremost to Israel. This goal will exact a death toll. That is why we now hang our heads as we mourn over five fresh graves. We must also remember to adopt the family of the Bulgarian victim of this attack. We carry the grief and pain in our hearts, and comfort ourselves with the knowledge that if we hadn't stood up to evil, there would be far more victims. There is no choice but to continue forward. And we must never lose hope.
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