Important impact and excellent reviews for PMW's book Deception
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PMW's recently published book, Deception: Betraying the Peace Process, continues to make an impact across the political spectrum, both on the left and on the right, in countries friendly to Israel and countries friendly to the PA, and on Israel's supporters as well as on pro-Palestinian writers.
In addition, we are pleased that the Israeli government has used the book as documentation in negotiations with the PA (see below).
Two additional reviews were published this week. The following is some of the praise forDeception:
Robert Bernstein:
"Deception might be one of the most important books you may handle in your lives... Why would the PA be spreading all these libels and lies if they wanted their people to achieve reconciliation with Israel?... Deception must be read as a warning."
Founder of Human Rights Watch and Advancing Human Rights
and former Chairman and President of Random House publishing for 25 years, speaking at the press launch of Deception
Eli Wiesel, speaking at the press launch of Deception:
"It's a terrifying subject... When one uses children to become agents of hatred, the crime is 100 times more severe. What they are doing now in the Palestinian territories is precisely that..."
Commentary, Jonathan S. Tobin:
"A counterweight to this inclination to deny the truth about the Palestinians has come from the work of Palestinian Media Watch... Deception: Betraying the Peace Process... Ignoring or seeking to marginalize the truths that PMW has uncovered will only lead to more bloodshed, not peace."
NY Daily News, Richard Chesnoff:
"If there were an Oscar given for doublespeak, the Palestinian political leadership would win it, hands down..."
Ha'aretz, Avi Issacharoff:
"The book's findings, in some cases, trigger concern, in most others nausea."
NY Times, Isabel Kershner:
"A new book catalogs dozens of examples of messages broadcast by the Palestinian Authority for its domestic audience that would seem at odds with the pursuit of peace... Many Israeli and Palestinian analysts have said that what Palestinian leaders tell their own people in their own language... is the truest reflection of their actual beliefs."
Ma'ariv, Ben Dror Yemini:
"Every mass-murder is preceded by systematic mass-brainwashing. Although Israel ignores it, this mass-brainwashing has been going on in recent years beside us, practically within us... The [Israeli] Foreign Ministry must send an abstract from the book [Deception], or its full-length text, to every organization, institute, and country in the West which helps to fund this brainwashing. This Antisemitic fascism must be stopped. And it certainly should not be funded."
NY Jewish Week, Editorial:
"An important new book that details in exhaustive fashion the duplicity of the Palestinian Authority."
The Jerusalem Post, Editorial:
"To better understand Gingrich's statement that there is not much difference between Fatah and Hamas or Bachmann's criticism of Palestinian text books, we recommend reading Deception: Betraying the Peace Process."
Glenn Beck:
"Buy this book, and make sure, you know what the truth is. Your eyes will be open, and they will not close again. They won't close again on this issue. Arm yourself with the information."
Aftenposten, the Norwegian daily with the largest circulation, on Itamar Marcus' lecture in parliament to MPs, describing Deception's findings:
"The assertion that the PA regularly spreads hatred of Jews was expressed by Itamar Marcus at a seminar in parliament this week... Marcus believes Norway and the EU have a huge responsibility. Norway is one of the biggest contributors to PA... If Norway continues to let the hate propaganda continue with impunity, Norway will share responsibility for the next war in the Middle East, he says."
Dr. Asaf Romirowsky:
"The facts documented by Deception: Betraying the Peace Process have a great value... Without this dimension of understanding and truthfulness it will be difficult for Israel to make its case effectively in the court of world public opinion."
Arne Orum, a Norwegian writer, defines himself as having "pro-Palestinian opinions" and as a "friend of the Palestinians":
"[Deception] is difficult reading...Neither the Palestinian desperation, nor the rise of radical Islamism justifies the hateful rhetoric that has developed on the Palestinian side... What shall we say to our Palestinian friends about this?" []
Israel using Deception in the peace negotiations:
Walla News (Israel):
"In the latest meeting between the special Israeli envoy, Yitzchak Molcho, and the head of the Palestinian negotiating team Saeb Erekat, Molcho presented Erekat with a book that sets forth what Israel defines as severe incitement in the PA... The book which Molcho presented to Erekat, Deception: Betraying the Peace Process, was published last month by Palestinian Media Watch." [Jan. 24, 2012]
Click to read longer quotes from the reviews.
PMW and the authors are pleased that Deception is making an impact internationally and is being seen as an important work in exposing the most fundamental violations of the peace process that are actively undermining peace.
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PMW seeks funding to continue to reach MPs, the media and decision makers worldwide as well as to continue updating our research with new findings. Finally, Deception is now available in English and Norwegian. PMW is seeking sponsors to have the book published in additional languages.
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