Condi Clueless: NO to Liberal, Anti-Israel Mother of HAMASastan for VP; Obama in a Skirt (Voted 4 Him)
Condoleezza Rice, or as I more aptly call her on this site, “Condi Clueless,” has often bragged, “I’m an affirmative action baby.” And she’s right. She got everywhere in life and in the Republican Party not on competence, qualifications, or conservative principles, but on the fact that she’s a Black chick. And only on that fact. She’s a liberal Sovietologist who is the mother of HAMASastan. She’s a pro-abortion liberal who voted for Obama andsupports gay marriage. Is it really a victory over Barack Obama if the VP candidate on the other side is Barack Obama in a skirt . . . or in Condi Clueless’ case, Barack Obama in a femme lesbian pantsuit? HELL, NO!

Matt Drudge says Condi Clueless is the frontrunner to be Mitt Romney’s Vice Presidential choice. If that’s to be believed–and much of self-hating, anti-Israel Jew Drudge’s stuff is NOT to be believed–then I will not vote for Romney. I really don’t need an Obama clone a heartbeat away from the Presidency and first in line to be the nominee after Romney exhausts his chances, if he’s elected. And by the way, she voted for Obama. Condi Clueless refused to endorse John McCain in 2008. And she refused to say for whom she voted. And when Obama won, she hailed it as “historic.” Is that really whom you want as VP? Then, you’re a moron. And just a partisan with no principles to stand behind it.
There is nothing conservative about this woman. There is plenty to dislike though. Condi Clueless repeatedly denounced the right of Jews to live where they want in Israel. She repeatedly called for the dismantling of settlements, demanding that Jews living inJerusalem (for thousands of years) and its suburbs leave. Condi Clueless is the Mother of the HAMAS State. She is the one who pushed Israel to leave Gaza and force Jews to leave their homes, the way she once would have been forced to leave her home in redlined residential areas in the United States, decades ago. Condi Clueless is the one who called for democracy in the Arab world. As the execrable Dr. Phil would say, “An’ howz that workin’ for ya?” Condi Clueless is the one who demanded elections in Gaza,spent gazillions of your tax money to fund the PLO in the elections, then was shocked–shocked!–when HAMAS was elected, saying “we never thought this would happen,” when it was obvious to even the most clueless imbecile (except her) that HAMAS would,indeed, win. Then, after that, she sent Jimmy Carter to meet with HAMAS and make nice-nice, so she could have plausible deniability. After she denounced Carter, he said that she was in on the whole thing. And on that, I believe him. That’s how she works. And she also sent her own Assistant Secretary of State to meet with HAMAS and Islamic Jihad in Egypt.
Condi Clueless is also the one who set up the Bush $500 million mortgage bailout fund . . . for the Palestinians. And she repeatedly pressured Israel to release Marwan Barghouti, the mastermind of several Palestinian terrorist homicide bombings. After Blackwater contractors were burnt to a crisp and hung to the cheers by Iraqi Muslims in Fallujah, Condi Clueless forced Blackwater to institute a “cultural awareness and sensitivity training” course on Islam. That’s not to mention the award Condi Clueless gave to Hezbollah official Nibal Thawabteh. Afer HAMAS won her “democratic” elections in Gaza, this is what the moron-ette said:
Palestinian people have apparently voted for change, but we believe their aspirations for peace and a peaceful life remain unchanged.
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