Monday, December 17, 2012

I Have Great Fears for the Future of the Jewish People

I Have Great Fears for the Future of the Jewish People

G-d's covenant promises the survival of His chosen people and Hanukkah is a good time to remember that. But looking at the current world events and atmosphere, the writer cannot help but fear for the future.

Giulio Meotti

When the new version of the kapò like Kenneth Roth, head of Human Rights Watch, refuses to label as “genocidal” Iranian calls to obliterate Israel, predicting Israel’s destruction, dehumanizing the Israeli Jews, advocating the expulsion of Israeli Jews from the Middle East and denying the Holocaust to facilitate the next one, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When the ignobile list of these Jewish defamers of their martyred people is getting every day longer, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When the same company which formed out of the assets of IG Farben, which produced the pesticide Zyklon B for the gas chambers, is now based in Teheran, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When on the Holocaust Day, the European nations which stood by indifferently while a defenceless people in their midst was methodically put to death, call Israel to honor the memory of six million people by signing the death sentence of another six million, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When the Israeli professors who would like to send the Jews to “the peace trains”, as Hillel Weiss called it, commemorate the Arab Nakba, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When the US most influential Jewish intellectuals abandon and demonize a modern Jewish hero like Jonathan Pollard, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When the European diplomacy works as the money laundering mechanism of Arab hatred and it adopts the official policy that democracies can sacrifice the tiny Israel in order to placate Islamism, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When in the Western trade unions the Jew is again considered the instigator of every type of social disorder, like during the time of Karl Marx’s “Das Kapital”, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When the mere sight of body lotion tubes called “Ahava” have radical chic leftists going crazy, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When the International Red Cross, Médecins Sans Frontières and the UN’s World Health Organization charge Israel of being a torturer and it's fashionable to wear a white coat and accuse the Jewish State of “crimes against humanity”, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When the Associated Press, Time, BBC, New York Times, Guardian and the CNN plot to destroy the reputation of the Israeli army and the major Swedish newspapers write that Israeli soldiers kill young Palestinians to harvest their organs, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When the Jews are charged of kidnapping Christian and Muslim children before Passover in order to murder them and use their blood for matza, of distributing drug-laced chewing gum and candy, of poisoning Arab water supplies but the “civilized world” doesn’t take seriously this avalanche of fables, lies and plots, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When Thomas Friedman, who has the most influence on the way Americans understand Israel, from his mansion in the Maryland’s woods, calls the Jews living in Judea and Samaria a “cancer for the Jewish people”, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When in Europe Israeli books are banned from public libraries, cutting off the Israeli cultural transmission from generation to generation, like Pope Gregory IX did in 1239 when he consigned the Talmud to the flames, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When Amnesty International, which claims to be the “conscience of the world”, indict Israel as an apartheid state and its officials label Israel “a scum state”, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.
When the mainline Christian churches revive the theological demonology which fomented the pogroms and the gas chambers, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When for the first time, the four digits (1967) of “Auschwitz’s borders” have become formal US policy, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When the Western academia is poisoned by an ocean of oily, bloody money that feeds those who incite anti-Jewish riots, promote divestments from Israel and spread blood libels under the guise of “objective journalism”, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When Israeli tennis players are allowed to play only behind closed doors in a Swedish stadium and when Israeli dance groups are stoned by demonstrators shouting “Juden Raus” in Hannover, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When the traitor Mordechai Vanunu is awarded in Europe with the medal bearing the name of Carl von Ossietzky, the German journalist who died in prison during the Nazi regime, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When a myriad of Jewish columnists and European personalities come out to defend Günter Grass, the Nobel Prize laureate who published an anti-Israel poetic blood libel, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When the Israeli position in Europe’s supermarkets is painfully analogous to the situation that prevailed in the 1930s, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When Western public opinion thinks “if only the Jews would go back to being victims”, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When “peace” movements take the side of terrorist militias that believe they have the right, indeed the duty, to use civilian populations to conduct their holy war against the Jews, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When “peace” for the European Union means creating a new refugee agency to relocate the Israeli survivors in Cracow, Warsaw, Budapest, Paris and Rome, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When the Vatican, which asked the Jews to go to the slaughter like sheep, now considers the Israelis guilty of taking up arms so they will never be slaughtered again like sheep, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When Arabs kill fellow Arabs and it becomes a fit subject for a global media cover-up, while when Jews kill Arabs in self-defense and it becomes a cause celebre, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When I see Jewish blood tainted in the global newspapers, as if it would be of a different color from the Arabs, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When among the European sophisticated classes, simply saying the name “Israel” makes many people lose their ability to reason and just saying that name often unleashes a devastating reaction that scorches everything in its path, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When I see my yellow Italian musicians from the world-renowned opera house of La Scala in Milan, led by that Jewish cynic named Daniel Barenboim, going to play in Gaza’s Hamastan, while a few miles away there are Israeli children who don’t get out of bed anymore because the fear of Iranian rockets, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

When the worst of all anti-Jewish persecutions, that of Adolf Hitler, almost marked the end of European history, and we now witness a return to the same cycle of nihilism and destruction, I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people.

Every other people that has been conquered and exiled and annihilated as the Jews has in time disappeared. Only the Jews defied the norm. Twice.

But will they do so again?

I have great fears for the future of the Jewish people. Because as happened the last time, if the Jewish part of our roots are overturned and Israel is lost again, then we are lost too.

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