Wednesday, August 8, 2012

'Jewish Voice For Peace' demands Apology to Palestinians Calls Romney's Comments 'Racist And Ignorant

'Jewish Voice For Peace' demands Apology to Palestinians Calls Romney's Comments 'Racist And Ignorant

Let's see..

An ultra Left, 'anti-Zionist' group too out there even for J Street hates Romney for 'insulting' Arafat's minions? Gee that's news:

A liberal Jewish organization is set to deliver 17,000 signatures to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's headquarters Monday afternoon urging him to apologize for remarks many have deemed insulting to the Palestinians.

Jewish Voice for Peace has called Romney's comments at a Jerusalem fundraiser last Monday “racist and ignorant.” Romney says he did not mean to denigrate Palestinians when he credited “the power of at least culture” and the “hand of providence” for Israel's superior economy.

The petition, addressed to “Governor Mitt Romney,” urges him to apologize.

“Your statements in Jerusalem regarding the growth of the Palestinian and Israeli economies were inaccurate and misleading,” the petition states. ”Israel's Occupation of Palestinian land makes it impossible for the Palestinian economy to succeed, not 'cultural differences'.

"Your comments were not a reflection of the values Jews, Americans, and our allies hold dear. We call on you to apologize to the Palestinian people for your willful lack of understanding of the facts on the ground and the racist assumptions behind them.”

A Jewish Voice For Peace 'liberal'? Not in this universe.But it's totally in character for these self-hating 'anti-Zionists' to essentially echo Saeb Erekat, the right fork of Yasser Arafat's tongue

The truth is that the real problem with the Palestinians(who have received more aid per capita than any other developing nation) is the same problem the rest of the Arab countries have..they're kleptocracies,where the leaders and those connected to them steal their people blind. That's why Abbas, his two sons and most of the rest of the Fatah Old Guard, including Erekat are millionaires and why Sufa Arafat lives the high life in the swankiest section of Paris.

Stealing the aid money from gullible western donors became a sport a long time ago. and the Palestinians are experts.

Also, just for the record, the 'occupation' is a myth, as I've explained previously. Area A is entirely under Palestinian control, not subject to Israeli checkpoints except where it's necessitated by threat of Palestinian terrorism. So is Gaza, which had no blockade in place until Hamas took over and started shooting missiles at Israel.The people identifying themselves as Palestinians rule these areas. There is no occupation of the Arab occupied parts of Judea and Samaria (AKA the West Bank) in any real sense of the word.

So Romney was entirely correct about a link between culture, prosperity and development.

You bet it's the culture . If it's the faux 'occupation', what's the rest of the Arab world's excuse?

Here's hoping Mitt Romney simply laughs in these people's faces. Trust me, they're not the kind of people who would ever vote for him anyway.

You're known by the people that hate you as well as by your friends.

1 comment:

  1. Lack of knowledge and understanding is the root of spreading wrong rumours and wars.

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