Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Egyptian fingers point at Israel as terror attack culprit

Egyptian fingers point at Israel as terror attack culprit

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Our post from last night ["6-Aug-12: Conspiratorial Egyptians"] anticipated events on Cairo's streets last night. Thestory below is currently (as of Tuesday morning, 8:30 am) number 7 on Al-Ahram's hit list of ten most viewed articles:

Tens of Egyptian protesters call on Morsi to expel Israeli ambassador 
Blaming Israel for the death of sixteen Egyptian soldiers on Sunday, demonstrators take to the residence of the Israeli ambassador to call on president Morsi to cut relations with Tel Aviv        Randa Ali, Tuesday 7 Aug 2012 [Ynet]

Tens of protesters gathered by the Israeli ambassador’s house in the posh Maadi district on Monday night calling on the Egyptian government to cut off relations with Tel Aviv.
While the assailants behind the attack that took the lives of sixteen Egyptian soldiers and injured another seven remain unknown, some Egyptians have pointed the fingers at the Israeli state.

“It’s definitely Israel who is behind it; we demand the termination of any political relations with Israel,” said Ahmed El-Toni who referred to himself as an “independent activist” and was one of the protesters. El-Toni also criticised the president for failing to take an action against the culprits in response to the attack till now... Bakhati [one of the Egyptian protestors] slammed all claims the assailants are Palestinians from the besieged Gaza Strip. ”Palestinians have an interest in keeping good relations with Egypt; no one is benefiting from this attack but Israel,” Bakhati said.
The entire depressing piece is here.

Considerably better sense is on display in an analytic piece on the website. An extract from "Sinai attacks may stoke Egypt-Israel tensions":
...Egypt's new Cabinet and its partner SCAF must do everything within their power, to ensure that everyone in their country is subject to the rule of law, even if this means adopting an iron fist, else risk being branded by the international community as 'a terrorist harboring state'. Hopefully, the new man in charge has now seen the writing on the wall and will act decisively to prevent such escalations. [Source]

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