A Necklace of Corpses
Part I: Why the Arabs Hate Jews: A Twist
Countless articles have been written trying to explain why Arabs, in particular the self-styled “Palestinians,” hate Jews. The explanation is embarrassingly simple: The Arabs hate Jews because the Jews refuse to hate the Arabs!
The Arabs deem this moral indifference of the Jews insulting. After all, in their obscene hatred of Jews, Arab despots and propagandists outdo the obscenities of Julius Streicher’s Nazi tabloid Der Stürmer. Since they are devout nation-killers, they not only enjoy disemboweling Jews—women and children included—but they also promise Allah the “compassionate” to liquidate the Jewish nation-state of Israel.
Nothing so infuriates Muslims than the Jew’s refusal to engage them in verbal and behavioral “reciprocity.” Nothing less would convince them that Jews take the Quran seriously. Muslims look upon the Jew’s indifference to the maledictions of the Quran as a denial of their deity. This blasé attitude enrages them.
If this were not enough to madden them, Arabs are incensed by Jewish peace offerings which they deem ploys to make Judaism appear morally superior to Islamism. This is simply intolerable to people who deem hatred of infidels the highest virtue next to killing Jews in an act of self-immolation or martyrdom. Is there a more religious people on this planet? Or as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad put it: “Is there art more beautiful, more divine, and more eternal than the art of martyrdom?”
Compared to Muslims and Arabs, Jews are boorish clods! It has never occurred to them that offering Palestinians land for peace is a compounded insult. The insult not only trivializes Islam; it also trivializes Judaism which diminishes the possible grandeur of a Muslim victory over the Jews. Muslims want a serious adversary, What would have been the glory of King David had he killed a rabbit and not Goliath?
Nothing can so incite Arab hatred than to urge them to cease their murderous vilification of Jews and accept Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people. This is equivalent to asking Muslims to renounce their religion, burn the Quran, transform their mosques into casinos, and inform Allah to take an extended vacation. Is this what the “peace process” is all about? Is this the great vision of Bibi Netanyahu and of political scientists who preach “conflict resolution”?
Leaving the world of Alice in Wonderland, let’s examine a study by American pollster Stanley Greenberg on the attitudes of Palestinian Arabs reported in the Jerusalem Poston June 15, 2011. The survey was conducted in partnership with the Beit Sahour-based Palestinian Center for Public Opinion and sponsored by the Israel Project, an international non-profit organization that provides journalists and leaders with information about the Middle East. Ponder its findings regarding the Palestinians—meaning Muslim Arabs in whom Bibi, after two decades, is still searching for a reliable “peace partner”:
1) 31% accepted a two-state solution while 64% rejected it.
2) 66% said the real goal of the Palestinians should start with a two-state solution but then move on to making it one Palestinian state.
3) 92% said Jerusalem should be the capital of Palestine.
4) 72% backed denying the thousands of years of Jewish history in Jerusalem.
5) 62% supported kidnapping IDF soldiers and holding them hostage.
6) 53% were favored teaching songs about hating Jews in Palestinian schools.
7) When given a quote from the Hamas Charter about the need for battalions from the Arab and Islamic world to defeat the Jews, 80% agreed.
8) 45% believed in the Hamas Charter’s statement that the only solution to the Palestinian problem was Jihad.
9) 73% agreed with a tradition ascribed to the prophet Muhammad about the need to kill Jews hiding behind stones and trees.
[Note: Was Bibi shocked when Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal signed a unity agreement early in February 2012? Did he really believe in the myth that the former, unlike the latter, consisted of “moderates”?]
Let this suffice for a survey of the poor Palestinian Arabs of the Middle East, unequalled recipients of American and European largesse. No wonder the Arab League regards the cunning Palestine Liberation Organization as the sole legitimate representatives of the self-styled Palestinians. No one can surpass the PLO in making suckers of the West.
Part II. The PLO’s Grand Strategy or What Bibi Hasn’t Told You
1) Like all terrorists organizations, the PLO uses terror to gain recruits—unemployed Arabs looking for interesting and well-paid jobs. Terror masters know as well as Hollywood movie makers that violence and bloodshed attract no small number of bored people. Unlike liberal democrats, these Arabs do not have a marsh mellow view of human nature. To attract these unemployable Arabs, the PLO must of course succeed from time to time in killing Jews. That’s better than food stamps.
2) Moreover, by murdering Jews, PLO leaders obtain the Saudi money required to buy arms and meet the payroll of the PLO’s beautiful people. The financial patronage of the U.S. and the European Union helps but isn’t enough. Terrorism is a hazardous occupation; it doesn’t come cheap.
3) Unlike quick-fix democrats, Arab leaders think in long term goals. Jewish children in Israel eventually become Jewish soldiers. So the PLO kills them in the cradle as well as in school busses. This is not all.
4) When Lebanon became the domicile of the PLO, its experts, Sunni Muslims, taught the Shi’ite Muslims of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard advanced techniques of murder. Shi’ites are also inspired by the Quran, which exalts the Muslim who “slays and is slain” for Allah (Sura 9:111).
5) While in Lebanon, the PLO used schools, mosques, hospitals, and other civilian structures for storing arms and rocket launchers.
6) With the collaboration of hard-headed Arab autocracies and soft-headed western democracies, the PLO has fostered the myth that the Israel-Palestinian conflict is “the core of the Middle East problem.” This myth continues to prompt the supposedly intransigent but really feckless government of Israel to retreat to Israel’s 1949 Auschwitz lines.
A concluding remark about this government—and this applies to Israelis across the political spectrum. All are decent democrats. But it’s hard for men of good will to take implacable hatred seriously. Perhaps this is why Hitler was chosen Time’s “Man of the Year” in 1939. Today we have his Islamic counterpart, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Hence it is fitting to recall what George Orwell said so long ago: “A generation of the unteachable is hanging upon us like a necklace of corpses.”
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