Friday, February 3, 2012

Likud Primary Vote Was Not A Policy Referendum

Weekly Commentary: Likud Primary Vote Was Not A Policy Referendum

Weekly Commentary: Likud Primary Vote Was Not A Policy Referendum
Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 2 February 2012

Let there be no mistake about it.
The Likud Primary voted held this week was not a policy referendum for Prime
Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

And by “policy referendum” I am referring specifically to his “two state
solution” Bar Ilan address and related policy remarks since then.

Years ago, during the Sharon administration, at Mr. Netanyahu’s initiative,
the Likud party Central Committee passed a resolution opposing the creation
of a Palestinian state.

This was the last time the issue was raised in a Likud forum for

When Binyamin Netanyahu ran for election heading the Likud, the official
Likud party website prominently featured a very straightforward box spelling
out what a vote for the Likud represented in contrast to a vote for Kadima.

And it stated that a vote for Likud is a vote “against a Palestinian state”.
No wiggle room there.
Does Mr. Netanyahu have some kind of mandate to engage in a “fan dance”
before the world in which he utters the phrase “two states” to keep the
world at bay – confident that the state will never actually come into

But at most it is to do the “fan dance” – not to actually go through with

And what of the “fan dance”?
Doesn’t it confuse the public and our friends overseas, shifting them over
to supporting a Palestinian state?

Are these publics sophisticated enough to appreciate that it is either a
“fan dance” or that the conditions Israel includes in the “dance” are
necessary – conditions that thanks to the Palestinian hardline stands make
the possibility of a deal impossible?

Is the international situation such that it justifies the “fan dance” ?
Very complicated questions.
Especially when there are officials and staff who aren’t sure if this is
indeed a “fan dance”.

Bottom line: if an additional ballot box had been added for a referendum on
Mr. Netanyahu’s Bar Ilan address there would have been an overwhelming vote
against it.

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(Mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-7255730

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